Call for Papers for the 2019/2020 Regular and Themed Editions of the PNgAS

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Regular Edition

he Proceedings of the Nigerian Academy of Science (PNgAS) is the peer-review official journal of the
Nigerian Academy of Science, one of Africa’s leading science Academies. The regular edition of the
journal is a multi-disciplinary publication whose primary objective is to publish commentaries, original
research, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis in all STEM disciplines, especially those that address
national and regional developmental challenge. The journal publishes articles that are based on deepseated formative research using large and multi-center datasets that lead to a better understanding of
the context of science-related developmental challenges in various disciplines, and that identify
appropriate pathways for accomplishing change. Submissions of papers based on intervention research
that focus on experimental and quasi-experimental designs are also encouraged.
It is intended that the PNgAS currently published once a year, will from 2020 be published two or three
times a year. To this end, the Editorial Committee of the journal invites submission of high-quality
articles for consideration for publication in the 2019/2020 regular editions, as well as the proposed
themed versions of the journal. The details and requirements for submitting articles to the regular
editions of the journal are attached herewith. They can also be found on the website of the NAS – www.
Themed Edition
The journal’s themed edition will focus on specific developmental challenges in Nigeria and the African
region, which can be resolved by the strategic re-positioning of science and its components. We firmly
believe that one of the draw-backs that configures Africa’s developmental nightmare is the low use and
poor infiltration of science into various elements of development. We believe that the PNAS can play a
significant role in addressing this drawback, by encouraging the specific considerations of scientific
principles in the formulation of policies and programs in the region.
Accordingly, the Journal invites recommendations of specific development areas which will form the
focus of themed issues in future editions of the journal. Examples of suggested areas of development
challenges in Africa requiring focused and theme issues of the journal include substance abuse, climate
change, maternal/reproductive and population studies, viral epidemics, neglected tropical diseases
(NTDs), anti-microbial resistance (AMR), the role of science in achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals, and science policy. There are certainly other possible areas. Thus, the primary objective of this
announcement is to invite Fellows and leading researchers to propose themes which could form the
basis of particular thematic issues in the coming years.
As approaches to solving these developmental challenges will necessarily be multi-faceted and
sophisticated, the journal encourages multi-disciplinary submissions for themed issues that address
various aspects of the problem, both diagnostic and interventional. Thus, submission of one-page
concept papers on themed issues are invited from Fellows, associates and leading scientific researchers
in Nigeria and across Africa, as well as those working on issues relating to Africa’s development. The
concept paper should include the following parts:
 The topic of the theme followed by brief introduction of the developmental challenge and the
role of science in addressing the problem
 Specific objectives of the themed issue
 Particular topics or science/science-related areas to be covered – and the scope – whether
research articles, reviews, systematic analysis or any other
 Name of the Coordinator of the theme writing, and suggested persons to be invited to submit
manuscripts. The coordinator will also function as the theme editor and will be required to
write a covering editorial on the issue of the theme.
 Timeline – suggested dates of submission of articles for the themed issue, and also the possible
date of publication.
The one-page concept paper should be e-mailed to the PNgAS, Editor In Chief, on or before May 20,
2019. The Editorial Board will review the submissions and successful submissions will be notified by
June 10, 2019, so they can begin their work immediately. For further information, please contact:
Professor Friday E. Okonofua, FAS
Editor-in-Chief, Proceedings of the Nigerian Academy of Science (PNgAS)
E-mail address:;

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